E-mail: info@matthew25houseghana.com    |    Phone: +233 020 502 750    |    Mobile: +233 020 502 750

About us

Food for the aged

Who we are

The NGO Matthew Chapter 25 has it name extracted from Matthew 25:45 which reads “Whatsoever you do to the least of my brethren you do to me”. This statement is the pivot for the establishment of the NGO in 1998 at Akwatia and incorporated in 2005 for the legal commencement of its business. The key merit of this NGO is to provide care and support for People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIVs) and Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVCs). Though the NGO is a branch of the Clinical Pastoral Education, C.P.E, it is under the auspices of the Catholic Diocese of Koforidua.

“Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers and sisters you do unto me – Matthew 25 : 40.”

Jesus Christ

Our Achievement

Progressively, our clients no longer self – brand themselves as AIDS patients due to serious counseling, ART and the compassionate care and support they receive from the House.

They have a rocketed level of confidence to which going public to talk about their status is normal but this would have been a vacuum without the House. It is not surprising to write that though most of the clients joined the House very sick and skinny, they now look very health reflecting an improvement in their health status. All financial and technical preparations have been made certain for the commissioning of the Hospice long dreamt of.


It is not out of course to say that as the House is growing with its activities and with its prospect financial support though sometimes uncertain, it can give hope to PLHIVs who pass through its doorways.

The House is able to organize pre-Valentine program to educate people who are on the fringes of our society such as house helps, apprentices and similar others to create the awareness of the real connotation of Valentine Day to which HIV/ AIDS education is not exceptional.


Workshops on reproductive health for students in senior high schools, vocational schools and even the tertiary tagged as Youth Alive Program is organized by the House which helps the partakers know more about their health status prior to their body and environment.

Visit the sick
Food for the aged


The pioneer of this NGO believes that being good to men is directly proportional exude of love towards God. As such the NGO is in existence to provide core and selfless social services to humanity by fulfilling Matthew 25:31-45 of the New testament “I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me water to drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, in prison and you came to visit me whatever you did for one of my least ones, you did it for me.


To become a formidable partner in the response to HIV/AIDS by establishing the first HIV/AIDS care, training and hospice in Ghana.

Our Core Values

Matthew 25 House Ghana has core values that are more than just buzzwords. They’re at the center of our office culture and drive our daily work.

Core Value 1 – Always Open

We believe in the power of great ideas and that these ideas can come from anyone, anywhere, at any time.

Listen, Act, Learn. Repeat.

We continually experiment. We fail quickly and productively. We use data and feedback to guide our course.

Never Settle

We have an obligation to question the rules, change them for the better, raise the bar, play a different game, and play it better than anyone thinks is possible.

Committed to WOW

We act promptly, enthusiastically, and professionally so people are WOW-ed by their interactions with us.

Staff Members

Curious, passionate, and committed staff members.